Yearbook by Seth Rogen

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Hi! I’m Seth! I was asked to describe my book, Yearbook, for the inside flap (which is a gross phrase) and for websites and shit like that, so… here it goes!!!
Yearbook is a collection of true stories that I desperately hope are just funny at worst, and life-changingly amazing at best. (I understand that it’s likely the former, which is a fancy “book” way of saying “the first one.”) 
I talk about my grandparents, doing stand-up comedy as a teenager, bar mitzvahs, and Jewish summer camp, and tell way more stories about doing drugs than my mother would like. I also talk about some of my adventures in Los Angeles, and surely say things about other famous people that will create a wildly awkward conversation for me at a party one day.
I hope you enjoy the book should you buy it, and if you don’t enjoy it, I’m sorry. If you ever see me on the street and explain the situation, I’ll do my best to make it up to you.

I love that the above is the actual REAL summary on the book…it is COMPLETELY appropriate and perfect🤣

Seth Rogen is as fucking hilarious in print as he is on screen, yall.

I LOVED the way he did this audiobook—he reads it as the main narrator BUT any dialogue parts he has from his younger self or any family/friends/ other people are voiced by voice actors OR the ACTUAL people themselves.

Plus he adds in all kinds of sound effects too which just makes it a whole, entire storytelling EXPERIENCE.

There are TONS of celebrity voice cameos, yall! I didn’t even realize it until the end of the audiobook when they were reading the credits and it went on FOREVER…and I was like “Oh DAMN! That was really THEM????”

This book was laugh out loud funny, a bit vulgar and quite interesting.

He shared some new surprising facts about him I was not aware of–like he was barely a young teen when he started doing standup in bars.

And he shared some not very surprising facts— like he enjoys doing certain drugs and doing them quite frequently. 🤣

With the exception of one chapter towards the end of the book that addresses anti Semitism, mass shootings and politics amidst the jokes, there really is nothing HUGE or Earth shattering in these pages.

It’s truly just what he says in the summary… stories about him growing up in Canada, teenage shenanigans, family antidotes, travel adventures, and Hollywood incidents & interactions.

My fave Hollywood story he shared was his experience watching Snoop Dogg write a hook for one of his creative projects…and YES, Snoop DOES do a couple voice cameos…one of which he says “Send in the hoes” 🤣 You have to hear the story, yall….

If you want something to read that is thought provoking and mentally stimulating, that ain’t what you gonna get with this book.


If you want something hilarious that has some funny ass stories sprinkled with a little bit of sex and LOTS of profanity and drug usage, then this is the book FOR YOU.

He does share a LOT of stories about doing drugs–I mean, he ain’t wrong in saying his mom probably won’t like how much is in here!— so if that is something that ain’t for you, you probably don’t want to partake in this one.

I thought it was hilarious and at the same time enlightening. With the exception of smoking pot a half dozen times in my 41 years of life, I am unfamiliar with various types of drug experiences and “highs”.

So hearing about all his was fascinating.

You know what though? Every time I hear someone explain their experiences they had while using shrooms or something of the sort, I think to myself “Wow. They enjoyed that very much. Sounds like a unique journey they went on that did some things for them and to them. I’m glad that was such a positive experience and they had a good time. BUT…. it sounds completely AWFUL to me because I would be so completely FREAKED OUT and ANXIOUS when trees starting turning purple and shit. I don’t think I would ever like to do that.” 🤣

To each his own, right?

You do YOU Seth Rogen… and everyone else. Yall are in charge of your own bodies and life journeys…..whatever substance you’d like to use, go right ahead. No judging from me.

I’ll just be my vanilla self over here with my seltzers, red wine, and mixed drinks. Being unenlightened and basic AF 🤣

This memoir could straight up be one of Seth’s comedy blockbusters… I swear the pages would go PERFECTLY into a script… and maybe it will be one day. Maybe that’s part of the plan!

I’d go see it FOR SURE.

Hilarious literary trip, yall. Enjoyed it immensely.