Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?

Late October. After midnight. You’re waiting up for your seventeen-year-old son. He’s late. As you watch from the window, he emerges, and you realize he isn’t alone: he’s walking toward a man, and he’s armed.

You can’t believe it when you see him do it: your funny, happy teenage son, he kills a stranger, right there on the street outside your house. You don’t know who. You don’t know why. You only know your son is now in custody. His future shattered.

That night you fall asleep in despair. All is lost. Until you wake . . .

. . . and it is yesterday.

And then you wake again . . .

. . . and it is the day before yesterday.

Every morning you wake up a day earlier, another day before the murder. With another chance to stop it. Somewhere in the past lies an answer. The trigger for this crime—and you don’t have a choice but to find it . . .

Exciting news to report, my beloved bookworms.


Since moving here last year, I have been nonstop on the look out for a good group of peeps to discuss all the reads with.

And by good I mean people who are open minded, read multiple genres, and actually wanna talk about books and not just sit around with small chat and snacks and socialize and NEVER talk about what we read.

I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I kept talking about how I just needed to start my own group.

But I dragged my ass about it and kept putting it off and putting it off.

Thankfully, my new friend Danielle is amazing and she took the initiative to just get the shit DONE and got a group organized.

It’s been kind of a collaboration with her and I and two other new friends I have met with how we were going to make things work and who to invite, etc etc.

Our first meeting is in a few weeks and I CAN NOT WAIT to get started chatting about books again!

I have missed it SO SO SO SO SO much!

Danielle is the first host of the month and this was the book she picked to get us going.

And when I saw it, my first reaction was “OHHHH SHITTT.”😬

This is typically NOT my fave genre and I was NOT looking forward to this being the first read and discussion of our group.

But whatevs….I am a team player and I desperately wanna be in a book club again so I pressed play in Scibd and got going on Chapter 1.

Within the first few sentences I noticed that the narrator sounds kinda like Kate Winslet, which was quite fantastic and enjoyable.

After the first couple chapters, I realized this book was NOT what I thought it would be…and I was DRAWN IN BIG TIME.

While the murder *is* a pivotal piece of the plot, there is SO much more to the story than that.

It really dissects the journey of motherhood, especially of a teen—how you don’t really know them anymore BUT you feel you know the CORE of who they are.

(Which hit me HARD AF since I have a kiddo about to turn 16 soon)

You ponder how it happened so fast, not being able to unlink the smaller, younger needy version of them with the older, bigger, independent one.

You have so much guilt for so many things….if your child has flaws or makes bad decisions is it your fault? Is it something you did or said to them years ago? Is it something you DIDN’T do or say?

And also…what would you do different as a mom if you got a “do over”? Would you change how you reacted or how you spent your time with them? Would any of that change who they become?

As I was reading, my brain kept thinking about time travel too….what would older me do different as younger me? How would I handle going back in my life and having to relive moments? Would it be fun? Or torture? Or both?

The story line of this book was HELLA gripping…the puzzle pieces fall slowly into place as you figure out what is *really* going on.

Like any good thriller, you are always guessing and reassessing those pieces….and of course, there are HUGE and shocking AF revelations towards the end that pull it allllll together.

(I did have to rewind once at the end to catch all the little details that revealed themselves all at once!)

The pace and the build up with all the plot and character revelations were TERRIFIC.

I had a sneaking suspicion about one of the characters pretty early on in the book…which I was COMPLETELY right about…. kind of 😆

Yall know I always figure out something in a book before I am “supposed to” …I guess I’ve just read too many books over the years lol lol…..but this knowing this little piece of the puzzle did not take away any kind of surprise from discovering what all the other pieces were.

I have had to stay pretty vague in this review because it would ruin the whole book if I gave any bits of spoilers…and that would just be a literary travesty.

I really enjoyed this book…which was NOT what I thought I would be typing in this review!

But that is why I love book clubs so very much.

They challenge me to read things outside my “norm” and sometimes reform my preconceived notions of what I enjoy.

Trying new things can be a great time…and I can not WAIT for that first meeting!