When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories, & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown by Kenan Thompson

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Kenan Thompson is Saturday Night Live’s longest-ever-serving cast member and a star of such pioneering sketches as “Black Jeopardy” and is hugely beloved thanks to a tidal wave of nostalgic fans who grew up on early 2000s classics All That, Good Burger, and Kenan & Kel on Nickelodeon.

He’s also a dad (to two girls) in his mid-40s living in suburbia, and whose universal, relatable, family-friendly humor has created unbelievable appeal and engagement from fans from middle America to coastal elites. Becoming a dad sucked the cool right out of him—and he’s OK with that!

When I Was Your Age is packed with hilarious yet poignant essays that are aimed to offer any listener valuable advice on parenting, focusing on positivity, and having fun in life. Kids, new parents, fellow fathers, budding comics, and aunties who want to pinch his cheeks, can all learn from his biggest mistakes and most triumphant victories. There’s something for everybody here!

I remember watching Kenan Thompson on Nickelodeon when I was a teenager in the mid 90s and thinking he was FRIGGIN’ HILARIOUS.

His comedic timing was PERFECTION and his acting was so EFFORTLESS.

These were back in the days of “Snick” programming on Nickelodeon, which was a Saturday night line up to appeal to an older, teenage audience.

I remember watching Ren & Stimpy, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and of course All That….which was like the teen version of Saturday Night Live ….and where I first saw Kenan.

Interesting SNL comparison I just made here…who knew that decades later Kenan Thompson would be the longest tenured cast member of SNL history (he’s been on for 21 seasons, yall!!!)

My youngest kiddo is 11 years old, and he has discovered some of that OG Kenan magic due to the wonders of streaming.

He watched every episode of Kenan and Kel, has watched the movie “Good Burger” multiple times and has found all kinds of other TV shows and movies that he has starred in to watch.

It’s been fun to rewatch snippets of all of those things….and it reminded me just how dang TALENTED Kenan is.

And also PRECIOUS…OMG this dude does NOT AGE, yall! He looks the EXACT SAME as he did as a young teen, minus a few pounds!!!

Anywho, when I saw this book listed on my library app, I was like “I absolutely would love to hear this man talk about his life.”

And I DID, yall.

I’ve been feeling extra nostalgic for the 80s/90s lately…partly because I’m in my 40s and that’s kinda what happens to people at this point in life…and partly because of the new podcast I’m a part of with my friend Katie where we talk about all things Xennial.

(Here is a link to all our things….go check us out: https://linktr.ee/generationinbetween )

So this book choice was PERFECT for where I’m at with my nostalgia levels 😃

This book is everything you would think a book written by Kenan Thompson would be….

obviously he has you giggling and warms your heart…but he also shares some pretty insightful wisdom on parenting, relationships, life lessons, and following your passions.

I loved hearing him talk about being a middle aged parent…because HELLO I’m right there with ya, sir.

Super funny metaphors that hit HOME for me more than once! 🤣

I also really loved hearing about all the TV shows & movies he has been a part of and the wonderful and positive things he had to say about so many other actors he has worked with over the years.

He wasn’t a perfect teen/young adult in showbiz life, which he shares a little about….but for the most part, he kept a pretty level head on his shoulders thru his journey into fame and stardom…which I have to say is pretty dang impressive.

Listening to this book was GOLDEN for two reasons:

  1. He reads this SO conversationally that you feel like you’re just chilling having coffee or a cocktail with him. This is my FAVE kind of autobiography audiobook!
  2. Kenan does MANY of his SPOT ON celebrity impressions while he’s reading that just would NOT hit the same funny bone if you were reading this in print version.

This was a really good book, yall. I 10000 percent enjoyed every second of it.

Kenan not only is a supremely talented performer, but also is a gifted writer—which I should have already known due to his skit work on SNL.🤦‍♀️

He’s also a top rate, quality human being and I wish I was friends with him in real life. (#2024goals ?)