Books are my favorite things.

I love reading.

Like big, giant, pink puffy paint heart kind of LOVE.

I read alllllllll kinds of books…books about social justice, books about religion, books about magic and fantasy, books about historical fiction, books about teen romance…so many kinds.

Except scary…I DO NOT DO SUPER SCARY, YALL…unless my monthly book club selects a scary book for our next read and then…sigh….I drag my feet, take one for the team and suck it up.

Because I love my book club and am willing to sacrifice for them….SOMETIMES.

And every now and then I surprise myself and REALLY enjoy something scary…so who knows what is to await me in the future these days?

I often read 2-3 books at one time and started reviewing all my reads on my Facebook page in the beginning of 2019. Mostly because other book loving friends would always ask me for recommendations..and I couldn’t always remember the exact reasons why I liked or disliked a book. LOL

So I figured I’d start keeping virtual track of it all…..

I was surprised by how many of my friends told me how much they enjoyed my reviews…because I literally just throw my thoughts and opinions out there with no filter and no proper planning AT ALL.

Like book review word vomit 🙂 I mean, what’s not to love about THAT?!?

I just laid out all my crazy random musings, my intense life ponderings, my humorous take on eccentric characters…and my friends TOTALLY DUG IT. (well not ALL of them obviously…but the ones THAT ACTUALLY MATTER…hahahaha)

I write exactly the way I talk…so it’s like sitting down for coffee (or most likely a giant glass of red wine…or two!) with me and having me tell you alllll the things about my latest read…good or bad, loved it or hated it…with a few curse words sprinkled in here and there.

I read and reviewed 82 books in 2019 on my personal page.

Many suggested I take my reviews off Facebook and reach a bigger audience by starting a book review blog….

But I am on the forever struggle bus when it comes to technology.

I held off for awhile and kept on reading and posting to Facebook because that is easy and familiar and within the realms of my middle aged “tech ability”.

(Let me tell you how horrid I am yall in this department: I have tried MULTIPLE times to get Instagram going and I just keep giving up because I can’t figure it out right LOL)

But I kept reading…and reviewing…and the friends that matter kept on encouraging me to do it….

I finally listened….got some wonderful and helpful advice….

and TADA!… I am!

Disclaimer: I am NOT a professional writer or a professional book reviewer.

I really do write just like I talk…so get ready for lots of transparent sarcasm and straight up honesty mixed in with huge grammatical errors and probably some made up words.

It can be a jolly fun ride thru my hot mess of scattered thoughts and opinions come join me!

And remember…struggle bus with technology… FOR this won’t be anything fancy to gaze at…just my words and pictures of my reads…so imagination is required here 🙂

All the books I read are either in paperback/hardback form (a library book is MY TOTAL FAVE FORMAT…the smell of them, the plasticy cover…there is NOTHING like it…plus they are FREEEEEEE!!!) or audiobook form.

I just can NOT become a passenger on the e-book train, yall.


Welcome to my book review blog….here we goooooooooo! 🙂