The Understudy by David Nicholls

(Format used for this read: Print–hardback)

From the bestselling author of STARTER FOR TEN, ONE DAY and US, THE UNDERSTUDY is a scintillating comedy of ambition, celebrity, jealousy and love.

For Josh Harper, being in show-business means everything he ever wanted – money, fame, a beautiful wife, and a lead role on the London stage. For Stephen C. McQueen, it means a disastrous career playing passers-by and dead people.

Stephen is stuck with an unfortunate name, a hopeless agent, a daughter he barely knows, and a job as understudy to Josh Harper, the 12th Sexiest Man in the World. And when Stephen falls in love with Josh’s clever, funny wife Nora, things get even more difficult.

But might there yet be a way for Stephen to get his Big Break?

THE UNDERSTUDY is a scintillating comedy of ambition, celebrity, jealousy and love.

One of the very best and most magical things in life is when you just happen to fall upon a wonderful, used book.

Bookworms out there feel me hard on this…IYKYK.

There is a lovely little local used bookstore not far from me in Cocoa Village, FL named Hello Again Books. (google them…if you’re ever in the area YOU MUST GO!)

They have the coolest vibe in there…the archway built of books (which I definitely want to replicate in my own house!), the comfy sitting areas, the unique decorations and local merch for sale….and of COURSE all kinds of cool previously loved (and new too!) books to peek into.

Even the name is fantastic.

I love it there.

You never know WHAT coolness awaits you when you walk into those doors, which is the BEST kind of feeling to get about a bookstore!

I picked this book up a few weeks ago when my sister in law was visiting (who is also a HUGE bookworm like me).

I had never heard of this author before–this book was originally published in England in the early 2000s–but just reading the book’s summary and then the “about the author” bit at the back grabbed my attention.

David Nicholls was a professional actor before becoming an author….and I have a feeling his own career provided plenty of inspiration for the main character in this novel.

Mr Nicholls admits he struggled in his first profession:

“I’d committed myself to a profession for which I lacked not just talent and charisma, but the most basic of skills. Moving, standing still – things like that.”

I adore acting…and at one point in my life there was nothing I wanted more than to run away and make a living wage performing on any theatre stage I could get my feet on.

But obvs life had other plans for me and I never gave my dream a chance.

Whomp. Whomp. Whommmmpppp.

But anyway…

I still love to act and still love all things related to acting….

So I was HERE for this book before I even began page 1.

And it was just a DELIGHTFUL read.

Not exactly uplifting or light but not exactly dark or dreary either.

Dry, sarcastic British humor is always a win for me with ANY kind of entertainment I consume….and it was ALL OVER these pages.

The main character–Steven C McQueen (and yes it is important to say his entire name because it is a running joke in the book)–is a little pathetic and sad and dishonest BUT he is also good hearted and hopeful and trying his damnedest to lead a good life.

You feel bad for the guy while at the same time are annoyed by him.

He is quite a realistic human character…which are the BEST kind to read about.

The not so glamourous ins and outs of starving actor life are revealed in these pages…as well as the reality that some people just get LUCKY AF and make it BIG without really trying that hard.

Great story, great dialogue and great ending…it just WORKED.


This was such an endearing and humorous story…I am so glad I found my way to it on the shelves of Hello Again Books!

I read most of it while traveling on an airplane to and from a girls weekend away with my best friend….perfect kind of vacation read.