The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

(Format used for this read: Paperback)

Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are back. The Wife Project is complete, and Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. But they’re about to face a new challenge because – surprise! – Rosie is pregnant.

Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law. Fortunately his best friend Gene is on hand to offer advice: he’s left Claudia and moved in with Don and Rosie.

As Don tries to schedule time for pregnancy research, getting Gene and Claudia to reconcile, servicing the industrial refrigeration unit that occupies half his apartment, helping Dave the Baseball Fan save his business, and staying on the right side of Lydia the social worker, he almost misses the biggest problem of all: he might lose Rosie when she needs him the most.

It took me over a month to completely read this book, yall.

And it is not long. Or heavy. Or difficult.

I just kept reading it at night before bed and seriously would get like 5 pages in and fall FAST ASLEEP.

Some of that is because summertime is super weird on our schedule….and some of that is because I am middle aged and TIRED AF once 10:30pm hits 😆

And unfortunately…..some of that is because this book just was not as good and interesting as the first.

It wasn’t BAD….it just wasn’t THAT GOOD.

I think because I enjoyed the first one so much, it set such a high standard of what to expect with this one.

But…just like what happens with sequels in movies many times, the sequel just fell a little short for me.

You still love Don and root for him and laugh with him…and of course cringe with him.

But it’s just not the same as it was when you first got to know him.

The tone of this book I feel is a little more serious….and while the first book tackled some serious things too, this one felt like it spent more time doing so.

So the vibe was just a little different than the first.

And again… happens with sequels, some humor and situations just felt “overdone” or “redone”.

I liked this book okay….it just didn’t captivate my attention and heart like the first did.

I am curious to get to know Don and Rosie’s kiddo and see how they navigate the new journey of parenthood…but I am not sure if I’m gonna stick it out and read the 3rd book in the series.

I was realllllyyyyy hoping this book would be on the level as The Rosie Project…but it just fell a tad short.

And honestly…that’s all I really have to say about it!

(That’s another sign of a “meh” book…when I only have like 3 sentences to review it with 😆)