The Reunion by Kiersten Modglin

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Hotel Lilith holds terrible memories for Cait Du Bois.
The darkest night of her life happened within its walls.

Once, she vowed never to return to the place that reminds her of the horror she experienced. But when the hotel is chosen as the location for her high school reunion, Cait finds herself unable to resist the appeal of showing off her new life to the people who once made her existence miserable.

Cait is no stranger to being noticed in public, especially as a bestselling author with an enthusiastic fan base, but back at Hotel Lilith, she was once recognized for a completely different reason. With all eyes on her as she returns to the town she’s spent years running from, Cait finds it increasingly difficult to discern between her fans and foes.

Haunted by the memory of a night that torments her, she resolves to put the past behind her and move on.
No one knows the truth about what happened back then.
At least, that’s what she’s always believed.

Shortly after her arrival, strange things begin to occur. A mysterious package, strange calls, and frightening text messages seem to be just the beginning of the nightmare about to unfold.

Someone is determined to bring the truth to light. If they succeed, the life Cait has built based on secrets could come crashing down around her. And, if they want her to pay for what she’s done, her lies may be the least of her concerns.

Someone’s out for blood.

This was the latest pick for my monthly book club.

Most of the peeps in the group love them some thrillers.

I am not opposed to them…but I think I only like a particular KIND of thriller.

And this kind AIN’T GENERALLY IT.

Reading the summary of this one had me rolling my eyes…it just seemed so predictably formulaic.

So typical.

So expected.

Like a cheesy Lifetime movie of the week.

(and we alllll know how I feel about THAT shit lol)

The kind of thriller that I usually enjoy is a little darker, a little more mysterious and has something that makes it unique and different from all the other dime a dozen ones that are out there in the world.

I was not jazzed about this read going in, to be honest.

BUT–I am always willing to give it a go and be a team player for my book club.

Because sometimes I DO surprise myself by liking a book I do not think I am going to like.


No surprises to be had THIS go round, my friends.

This is the SECOND thriller in a row this month that has gravely disappointed me.


This was 10000% Lifetime movie material:

Unresolved mysterious murder…..CHECK.

Revisting small hometowns and remembering past events…..CHECK.

Foreshadowing EVERY FRIGGIN CHAPTER of whatever unrevealed trauma occured in said past….CHECK.

Unpopular and lonely high schooler becomes successful and famous writer as an adult…..CHECK.

Romantic and perfect marriage & family…..CHECK

(THIS junk had my eyes STUCK IN THE TOP OF MY HEAD they were rolling so hard)

I could go and on…but you get the idea.

My preemptive pre-read assumptions were spot on…because this book was NOT my jam.

I completely figured out *most* of the “mystery” pretty quickly too, so it didn’t really have one ounce of excitment for me for the ending revelations.

Two words to sum this one up:

Cheesy and predictable.

I will say if you enjoy books that fit into this type of formula, then by all means, HAVE AT IT.

I’m not here to yuck your yum, yall.

You will have a MUCH better time than I did and you’ll probably really like this one.

This just ain’t my thang.

On to the next…..