The One by Kiera Cass

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

I’m trying something new here with my little pictures of my recent reads.

Taking creative shots of my physical books is NOT something I succeed in……but dang, I have THE HARDEST TIME with knowing what kind of picture to post with my audiobook reads.

Like… do I post a picture of me with my Starlord headphones on?

Do I post a picture of the actual book that I have stolen from the Internets?

Do I just post a downloaded image of the book cover from Google and put it on a matching background in my PicCollage app? (note: this is the method that usually wins for me 😆)

Welcome to the random thoughts on non important things that go thru my head on the reg.

Anywho, I saw a picture the other day on Instagram of someone who took a photo of their phone with the audiobook screen open on it….

and I was like “Ooooo, that looks fun! HOW DID THEY DO THAT?!?”


Listen, yall know my brain is living quarantine life…. my wheels ain’t spinning like usual so cut me a break, okay?

I realize my pic up there ain’t nearly as creative as the one I saw on the Insta… that one was strategically placed on an Ikea desk next to a hipster coffee mug edited with some super nifty fancy filter….but creative pics are a total learning process for me.

So….it might take awhile for my blog to have cool Insta worthy pictures that accompany my reviews.

Also….that picture made me realize I have like, REALLY small hands. (You’re totally RIGHT, Lindsay! 🤣)

But whatevs….yall ain’t here for the pics…yall are here for the WORDS so let me get that going for ya.

This was Book #3 in The Selection series …I’ll post links to the other two book reviews at the bottom of this one if you are interested.

I totally enjoyed the first book but the second one irritated me to NO END.

I was skeptically hopeful treading into these pages but I am happy to report that this book redeemed the series for me….SO MUCH BETTER than book 2 and I liked it just as much as book 1.

Here is the official summary:

“The time has come for a winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown–or to Prince Maxon’s heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious. America realizes just how much she stands to lose–and how hard she’ll have to fight for the future she wants.”

This book was totally different than book 2 for me because America FINALLY makes up her DANG MIND.

I will not tell you who she chooses or how long she remains in the Selection…yall, spoilers of any kind are just MEAN….but I WILL tell you that when she DOES decides, it is not free from drama and chaotic circumstances that keep things hella interesting.

In true America fashion, she never does ANYTHING the easy way, and that includes telling the truth about her ongoing love dilemma to her chosen and unchosen love….the truth is ALWAYS brought to light though and when it does, things do NOT go as she planned them to.

I think she made the right choice and followed her heart though.

Also in this story, pasts are uncovered and secrets are revealed about the royal family, the palace staff and the other Selection girls that are very surprising…and what happens to them all in the end will have you on the edge of your seat.

Some of the characters I reallllllyyyyyyy didn’t like before I grew to understand… and even have empathy for.

I was hoping in the 2nd book that there would be more of America using her voice against the injustices she was seeing and also more about the ongoing rebellions against the monarchy.

Book 3 definitely delivered those things.

LOTS more action in the pages….and I’d say even lots more emotional pulling at your heartstrings….I told yall I love me some cheesy kind of fairy tale romance stuff and there is definitely plenty of that in the mix. ❤

The ending of the book didn’t wrap up tied with a neat little bow like you expect it to…but I will say I think it ends in a satisfying way.

There are two more books in the series that take place in the future involving America’s child (I am not even going to let it slip who that child is WITH!!!!) and let me warn you:


It will ruin book 3 for you….TRUST me on this.

I have been told by multiple people to just take a hard pass on the next two books….but I kinda want to finish up the series.

I hate unfinished things!

Book 3 pulled thru for me so I got my fingers crossed 4 and 5 will too.

Even thought book 2 was kinda stupid, as a whole I enjoyed this story immensely. It’s all the things a YA series should be.

Definitely recommend all 3 of the books…just push yourselves thru 2 knowing that 3 is coming and better things await you!

Here are the links to my reviews on the first two books:

Book #2:

Book #1: