The Land of Stories: A Grimm Warning by Chris Colfer

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

YEPPPPPP……it’s BAAAACK my friends……

Yall KNEW I couldn’t stay away from some YA books about magic for TOO long! 😊

After desperately needing a “lighter” book to dive into and failing to find that in Jerry Seinfeld’s book, this one popped up off my library wait list on the Libby app.

There is a special kinda book nerd magic that all of us super readers can feel in the depths of our nerdy bones…..

When the reading stars align *just right* and a book you forgot you were wanting to read because it has been on your wait list for MONTHS ALL OF A SUDDEN becomes available at the exact moment in time that you need a new read!

*🎉Cue the heavenly angels singing*🎉

Look, if you know…you KNOW.

This is book 3 in the The Land of Stories series….which BTW is TREMENDOUS and if you love YA fiction about all things magic you MUST MUST read it!

Here are my reviews on the first two in case you missed them:

Precious and talented Chris Colfer narrates Book 3 just like the first 2 and yall….I swear this man can do NO WRONG by me.


I just can’t even, yall.

So damn good.


Here is the official summary before I get to gushy:

“Conner Bailey thinks his fairy-tale adventures are behind him–until he discovers a mysterious clue left by the famous Brothers Grimm. With help from his classmate Bree and the outlandish Mother Goose, Conner sets off on a mission across Europe to crack a two-hundred-year-old code.

Meanwhile, Alex Bailey is training to become the next Fairy Godmother…but her attempts at granting wishes never go as planned. Will she ever be truly ready to lead the Fairy Council?

When all signs point to disaster for the Land of Stories, Conner and Alex must join forces with their friends and enemies to save the day. But nothing can prepare them for the coming battle…or for the secret that will change the twins’ lives forever.

The third book in the bestselling Land of Stories series puts the twins to the test as they must bring two worlds together!”

Alex and Conner are now 14 and are beginning to enter the stage of “coming of age”…so this book they have their first little love interests alongside their adventures…..totes precious.

I am still feeling a bit of a Harry Potter vibe with the progression of the stories thru each book, but I ain’t mad at it…it works and it’s fun and I like it.

Alex is having HER first crush while doing her training to become the youngest member of the fairy council and the next Fairy Godmother….Conner is having HIS while galavanting across Europe to figure out what to do with a mystery he discovers from the brothers Grimm.

I have said this in my past two reviews but I’m gonna say it again…


His stories are just written SO well and they are just SO enjoyable.

And the way he READS his stories just makes them even MORE so!

His many accents and characterizations are just delightful and so spirited….this time he REALLY shows his range with all the various European accents he hits.

My fave character of this series though is Mother Goose. The way he voices her with a deep, kinda “smoker’s rasp” is just SO spot on…I love her…she’s a sarcastic, sharp witted, no nonsense, tough old broad who is never without a flask and her goose, Lester…and she is NOTHING like you would expect Mother Goose to be. His voice of her just adds SO much to the enjoyment of reading about her!

This book is typical YA magical fun with a sense of adventure and just a sprinkle of danger thrown in.

This time, the teens and their fairy tale friends are trying to preserve their world and end up fighting an epic battle.

The ending has a good social justice type of spin too, displaying a fight against inequality for all and also humbly trying to find ways to repair what ancestors did to damage other groups of beings.

The VERY end of the book has a COMPLETE shock…the last sentence there is a GINORMOUS reveal of a villian and I swear I could just hear the “dun dun DUN!” music playing in my head as it finished.

My mouth was hanging open and I seriously could not WAIT to start in on the next book to see what happens with THAT piece of plot twist!

This book was JUST what I needed right now….you can never have too much magic in your life….or books….and especially books ABOUT magic….EVER.

And you can never have too much Chris Colfer either….EVER ❤