The Husbands by Holly Gramazio

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

When Lauren returns home to her flat in London late one night, she is greeted at the door by her husband, Michael. There’s only one problem—she’s not married. She’s never seen this man before in her life. But according to her friends, her much-improved decor, and the photos on her phone, they’ve been together for years.

As Lauren tries to puzzle out how she could be married to someone she can’t remember meeting, Michael goes to the attic to change a lightbulb and abruptly disappears. In his place, a new man emerges, and a new, slightly altered life re-forms around her. Realizing that her attic is creating an infinite supply of husbands, Lauren confronts the question: If swapping lives is as easy as changing a lightbulb, how do you know you’ve taken the right path? When do you stop trying to do better and start actually living?

Another book that just had me like 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

The summary had me thinking this read had SO MUCH potential to be a super entertaining summer read.

A smidge of a sci fi/time travel-esque vibe mixed with some dark humor and maybe a touch of romantic comedy????

That’s what I was hoping for.

And I guess it kinda was that….but DAMN if this book wasn’t SLOW AS FUCKING MOLASSES.

It felt like Groundhog Day mixed with some elements of Butterfly Effect mixed with a B version of Sliding Doors…..kinda of 😆

Actually, that description makes it sound WAY cooler and WAY more fun that it was.

Good LAWD this book just drug on and on and ON.

I’m HOURS into listening to this one and it’s just ENDLESS husband switching….like over and over and over.

Which could be funny or weird or entertaining AF to read about if it was ELABORATED on more or something.

But it wasn’t done enough to keep my interest piqued.

At the halfway point of the book I was like “Ok…is there ANYTHING ELSE that is gonna happen here to make all this swapping people and universes shit intriguing?”

Eventually (past the halfway point BTW) there is a small twist and it picks up just a bit…but not substantially enough in my opinion.

I also just didn’t really CARE that much about the story as a whole and even the main character….truth be told, I was just kinda BORED the whole time.

There *were* some radical things that happened in the plot towards the end BUT it was super underdeveloped, weird timing, and didn’t really flow with the story.

And at the end of the book, I didn’t get what the whole friggin’ POINT of the story even WAS.

I don’t even have tons of thoughts to record for yall here because it didn’t really give me any lol

Two BIG ASS thumbs down for me with this one.