The Final Revival of Opal and Nev by Dawnie

(Format used for this book: Audiobook)

Sometimes I buy books and they sit on my shelf for a really long time before I read them. 😬

Sometimes I buy books and forget that I own them 🤦‍♀️

And sometimes I buy books in print form and then decide I’d rather listen to them in audio form.

That is what I did with this one.

I bought this book as soon as it came out this past Spring from my beloved BOTM club.

But I kept hearing PHENOMENAL reviews on the audio version for this book. ( there are also phenomenal reviews for the print version too BTW!)

After the shit show that was my last audiobook experience (GAAAHHHHHHH I have to avoid YA Dystopian for awhile because of the horrid taste it left in my mouth), I was ready to wipe the slate clean and have something blow my literary socks off again.



All the literary awards and critical acclaims and spots on best seller lists this book has received are TOTALLY DESERVED.

And many more need to come too!

Epic, truly immersive read….and one I will never forget.

Here is the summary:

An electrifying novel about the meteoric rise of an iconic interracial rock duo in the 1970s, their sensational breakup, and the dark secrets unearthed when they try to reunite decades later for one last tour.

Opal is a fiercely independent young woman pushing against the grain in her style and attitude, Afro-punk before that term existed. Coming of age in Detroit, she can’t imagine settling for a 9-to-5 job – despite her unusual looks, Opal believes she can be a star. So when the aspiring British singer/songwriter Neville Charles discovers her at a bar’s amateur night, she takes him up on his offer to make rock music together for the fledgling Rivington Records.

In early ’70s New York City, just as she’s finding her niche as part of a flamboyant and funky creative scene, a rival band signed to her label brandishes a Confederate flag at a promotional concert. Opal’s bold protest and the violence that ensues set off a chain of events that will not only change the lives of those she loves, but also be a deadly reminder that repercussions are always harsher for women, especially Black women, who dare to speak their truth.

Decades later, as Opal considers a 2016 reunion with Nev, music journalist S. Sunny Shelton seizes the chance to curate an oral history about her idols. Sunny thought she knew most of the stories leading up to the cult duo’s most politicized chapter. But as her interviews dig deeper, a nasty new allegation from an unexpected source threatens to blow up everything.

Provocative and chilling, The Final Revival of Opal & Nev features a backup chorus of unforgettable voices, a heroine the likes of which we’ve not seen in storytelling, and a daring structure, and introduces a bold new voice in contemporary fiction.”

This book was a STELLAR listen, yall.

The last time I enjoyed an audio book production (yes, PRODUCTION because it has a whole cast of narrators!) this much was when I listened to “Daisy Jones And The Six.”

Which BTW, if you loved that read as much as I did, you will love this one EVEN MORE. I promise.

There are a few similarities in these two books. Both share a bit of a VHI Behind The Music vibe. You hear from all different people throughout the many decades of the story spans. You hear the good, the bad, the in between…..and you realize everyone has a little bit of ALL those things within themselves…sometimes it can just depend on the situation or circumstance.

While listening to the story, you absolutely forget that these are not REAL LIVE PEOPLE. I remember when I was reading “Daisy Jones And The Six” and I kept thinking to myself “Wait…WERE they a real band???” Because the writing (and the audio performance) was just so real and honest and believable…..

Same thing with this book.

I had to Google the names just to remind myself that these characters were indeed fictional.🤣

The way the author writes about them in such vivid detail mixed with real life locations or happenings you truly DO forget that they are made up!

Even though there is just a wisp of similar feelings between the two reads, THIS book goes a whole lot deeper with social analysis and character development than Daisy Jones did.

While this story is one about individuals in the music business and their journey into fame, it digs into so much more than that.

It is an honest assessment and dissection of racism, sexism, capitalism, activism, power and oppression not just in the music industry, but in America as a whole.

You will read about racial tension, prejudice, gender inequity, feminism, racism in all shapes and forms, performative allyship and cultulral appropriation as you hear from each character telling their own version of how these things played out in their own lives. Opal’s story dominates them all….and just WOW.

While all the characters are vastly different, they all speak about what it is like to follow who you are and tell the truth about yourself….about fighting to survive and struggling to thrive….about family, dreams, determination, creativity, artistic expression and relational connection. But Opal’s voice is the one you lean into the most.

At some points during your reading journey thru this story, you will crack up laughing.

Some will have you crying your eyes out.

Some will have you spitting nails in anger.

And some will have you gasping in shock.

You will be utterly and completely enthralled with each page.

(Plus there is so much great talk about music that it will most definitely make you want to turn on some old school tunes and jam out too. Definitely turned me on to some artists I have never heard of before!)

I could definitely see someone turning this book into a movie or TV series…but I REALLLLY hope that doesn’t happen!

Usually I get completely pumped up when I book I adore is turned into another piece of art to be enjoyed by even more people….but this book is just one of those literary treasures that needs to be appreciated and enjoyed EXACTLY as it is written….with not a thing left out and not a thing added.

Because the mantra of all bookworms totes remains true: THE BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER.

If some creative hipster out in Hollywood DOES get their little hands on this story, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not fuck up this powerful story.

Just DO NOT.

Honor it’s characters and their stories just as the author did in her creation.


DEFINITELY add this read to your TBR list, my friends….ESP if it’s the audio version!!!!!!