The Crown by Kiera Cass

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Yall remember awhile back I said I was gonna start trying to take more “interesting” pics of my audiobook reads?


I got NOTHING, friends.

I just have no eye for the photographic staging arts.

Which is quite evident if you check out my pic above 😆

So I’m gonna quit trying to pretend like one day I’ll magically have these amazing pics for yall up on here that are ready for some hipster millenial social media feed.

My chipped glittery nail polish awkwardly holding my phone against the backdrop of my kitchen wall is pretty much the extent of my photographic artistry. 🤣

I AM creative with words…and possibly a couple other things, like making spirit posters and coming up with family Halloween costumes…but I am DEFINITELY NOT creative with photography!

Time to just own my strengths, acknowledge my weaknesses in the creative world…and just let it be. LOL

Okay…back to book business….

This was the fifth and last book in “The Selection” series.

**WARNING: If you haven’t read the book right before this one and are wanting to, DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW ANY FURTHER because there *could* be a couple spoilers sprinkled here and there**

The book right before this one I had fun reading and I was really looking forward to seeing what the happy ending would be.

(How did I know for sure the ending would be happy? Yall…it’s YA fiction.

About a royal version of “The Bachelorette”.

It ain’t hard to guess.

I could have bet my ENTIRE life savings this series would MOST DEF have a happy ending in store)

Here is the official summary:

“In The Heir,a new era dawned in the world of The Selection. Twenty years have passed since America Singer and Prince Maxon fell in love, and their daughter is the first princess to hold a Selection of her own.

Eadlyn didn’t think she would find a real partner among the Selection’s thirty-five suitors, let alone true love. But sometimes the heart has a way of surprising you…and in The Crown, Eadlyn must make a choice that feels more difficult—and more important—than she ever expected.”

Yep…that is the whole summary.

Listen…. this is NOT one of my deep, intense, thought provoking reads, yall.

We all gotta have that entertaining fluff to pass time with every now and then…and this entire series was perfectly that for me.

And I liked that little journey for me.😄

When I met Edalyn in the previous book, I was not quite a fan of hers.

She was stuck up, arrogant, and self centered.

She annoyed me.

I would love to say she sheds all of those qualities in this book…she *kinda* does a bit…but there is still PLENTY of her princess beyotch-iness to be had in these pages.

But I didn’t hate it.

This book does go deeper into the emotional drive of character’s actions…like WHY they act the way they act….not just with Edalyn but also with her family members, staff and the boys who are “The Selected.”

So even though some of her actions are still irritating, I think you begin to understand her intentions a bit more.

Her little personal mantra she says in her head though had me side eyeing her fancy spoiled butt left and right though:

“I am Edalyn Schreave. There is NO ONE more powerful than ME.”


I never FULLY liked Edalyn but I would say her likeablity level DID go up a few notches for me by the end of the book. (even WITH that ridiculous phrase)

I like her mama Queen America WAY more.

I was TOTALLY surprised who Edalyn ends up with at the end…because for real the connection seems to just magically appear out of NOWHERE…SUUUUUPPPPER unrealistic…

But that is one of the top things I adore about YA fiction.

ESPECIALLY when I am in “brain break” mode.

Highly improbable, super cheesy romance….

I ain’t mad about it…I’m here for it allllll day, yall.

And this book BROUGHT IT.

The ending wraps the series up well but I think also ends in a way that the author could extend it if she wants to in the future.

My total thoughts on this series as a whole:

I quite liked it. And if you like YA romantic type books, you will too.

If you want to know what I thought about the book right before this one you can click here: