The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

(Format used for this read: Print–hardback)

This book is not a long read but it took me awhile to get through it.


100 percent of all white American Christians need to read this book.

Here is a summary:

“There can be no justice without truth.

In ‘The Color of Compromise’ Jemar Tisby takes readers back to the roots of sustained racism and injustice in the American church. Filled with powerful stories and examples of American Christianity’s racist past, Tisby’s historical narrative highlights the obvious ways people of faith have actively worked against racial justice, as well as the complicit silence of racial moderates. Identifying the cultural and institutional tables that must be flipped to bring about progress, Tisby provides an in depth diagnosis for a racially divided American church and suggests ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among Gods people.”

Jemar Tisby isn’t just a fabulous writer, but he is a profoundly thorough and talented researcher.

(25 pages of references are in the back of this book of all the sources he used while writing)

I underlined so much…I feel like the whole book is full of my pen marks. (and I don’t usually write in my books!!)

Learning and knowing history is the first step to making any kind of change…and one I feel like most of us white Americans don’t fully grasp.

ESPECIALLY when it comes to the American church.

Not only does this book supply tons of historical facts, the author also charts a path forward of ideas for forward action against further complicity and injustice.

If you are a white Christ follower please pick this book up.

You can borrow mine if you don’t mind all the marks 😃

From the book:

“This much is clear-the American church has compromised with racism. Countless Christians have ignored, obscured, or misunderstood this history.

But the excuses are gone.

The information cannot be hidden. The only question that remains is what the church will do now that it’s complicity in racism has been exposed.”

So…what will YOU do?