The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong

(Format used for this read: Paperback–Library copy)

Roll up! Roll up! The Space Circus is about to begin…..

Persephone-9 is the galaxy’s most infamous pleasure moon, and it is here that Jes, a mixed-race asexual empath with gravity manipulation abilities, is hoping to hide in plain sight from the scientists hunting him after his escape from their torturous study.

Joining the circus, as runaways often do, he finds at The Circus Infinite a band of misfits that accept and welcome him into their circle. It’s not long though until the local crime boss Niko stumbles upon who Jes really is, and how much he is worth. Armed with that knowledge he makes Jes an offer he can’t refuse.

But when Niko’s requests of espionage, torture and demolition threaten the circus, Jes and his friends fight back. Can they take the mobster down and keep Jes safe from the scientist tracking him across the galaxy?

Yall know how much I ADORE libraries (ESPECIALLY the smells) and the joy I get from perusing the shelves in search of a new read.

My last trip in the New Release section was just kinda “meh” at best….my pick that visit was “The Candy House” and you can check out my review to hear why I felt the way I did.

But THIS time, I scored BIG TIME with my selection!

Here is another reason to add to my super long and ever growing list of why I love libraries:

You get exposed to new, unique authors that you may have never come across otherwise.

Next time you’re at your local library, see if they have a little section with staff recommendations. I LOOOOVE seeing what all the librarians have as their picks. It’s a great way to try a new author or genre…you may surprise yourself with discovering new interests!

This book wasn’t actually in the staff recommendation section shelf though lol lol ….it was in the New Release area, which is also another one of my fave places to look. I love that at my local library these two treasure filled sections are literally RIGHT NEXT to each other. Makes it super easy to find my next reads.

Quick confession: I quite frequently judge a book by it’s cover. I know…HUGE flaw of mine but it’s true.(I also do this when I select wine)🤣

If a book has a cool and intriguing cover, I will THEN pick it up and read the summary. But it’s gotta catch my eye first (I know….SOOOO shallow of me)

The cover of this book completely drew me in—look how COOL IT IS, yall—- and when I read the summary on the back, it was a NO BRAINER that this was coming home with me.

While I have always been a fantasy fan, in the past five years or so I have REALLY become a science fiction fan as well.

I think one of my favorite genres these days is Science Fiction Fantasy, which this book perfectly falls into.

There is a quote on the back of the book that describes it as such:

“The Circus Infinite explores the nuances of gender and sexuality while punching you in the gut with soaring feats of gravity and interrogations that will make you gasp out loud.” -TJ Berry


I have never read a book quite like this….it was a completely entertaining escape while at the same time being a metaphorical yet realistic commentary on prejudice, diversity and inclusion.

Fascinating would be the perfect one word description of this story.

Here are some other words I would use:

Powerful. Insightful. Fantastical. Fun. Colorful. Meaningful. Stirring. Profound. Daring. Innovative. Unique. Emotional. Exciting. Eccentric. Weird. Distinct. Impactful. Memorable.

The author’s vivid descriptions of the all the different planet’s environments and atmospheres paints such vibrant scenes in your mind….and the same can be said about the way he writes about each alien race as well.

You are whisked away to another world, one with bright purple moons and shimmering iridescent hair and lovely orange skin, just to name a few of the wonders that await.

I LOVED hearing him describe all the ins and outs of the circus as well….the details he gives paints such a wonderful picture of each act and performance that you feel like you are an in person part of the audience AND the crew.

Speaking of this, I wanna take a quick little detour from my review to tell you a bit about this author.

When I was finished with the book, I looked up his website to learn more about him. This was his official bio:

“In past chapters of life, Khan has published poetry and played cello in an earnest folk-rock duo. As an internationally known hula hoop teacher and performer, he’s toured with a circus, taught workshops all over the world, and produced circus arts shows in San Francisco. He’s worked in the nonprofit arts for many years, most recently as an arts funder for a public sector grantmaking agency”

Makes COMPLETE sense that he would write so accurately and vividly about circus life, considering he’s LIVED IT!

(Isn’t that just the COOLEST bio ever, BTW??)

I looked up the publishing company that published this book too–Angry Robot.

They are just as interesting and wonderful as this author! Check out this blurb on their website:

Angry Robot Books is an independent publisher of the very best in science fiction, fantasy, and WTF?! Since 2009, we have consistently sought to find and give a platform to new voices and new stories that push the boundaries of genre fiction, mess them about, and put them back together again in all kinds of awesome ways – we like to think of ourselves as ‘genrefluid’.

With an incredible backlist of titles from some of the greatest names in contemporary SFF, and our gaze focused always on finding the next Big, Bold, Bonkers Thing, we’re an integral part of the UK’s SFF publishing landscape, immensely proud of our achievements, and excited about what we’ll do next.

Completely awesome and interesting….I can’t wait to read more of their published works.

SO COOL that I came across this book at my little local community library here in Central Florida!

Another of the eleventy bagillion reasons I love libraries…..the unique discoveries you will make and fascinating treasures you will find are ENDLESS, LIMITLESS and FREE TO ALL.

Long live the public library, yall. ✌️

ANYWAY…back to the story at hand….

This story addressed many big, heavy issues like self acceptance, sexuality, gender expression, discrimination, biases, and societal inequities.

It also addressed things like forming true connection with others, first loves, and figuring out your own purpose and destiny.

There is humor and lightheartedness sprinkled throughout as well as plenty of action packed intrigue…..there is A LOT that happens in these pages, yall!

And I was here for EVERY👏 SINGLE👏 SENTENCE👏
