The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

(Format used for this read: Print–paperback)

Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl, prays every day for beauty. Mocked by other children for the dark skin, curly hair, and brown eyes that set her apart, she yearns for normalcy, for the blond hair and blue eyes that she believes will allow her to finally fit in.Yet as her dream grows more fervent, her life slowly starts to disintegrate in the face of adversity and strife. A powerful examination of our obsession with beauty and conformity, Toni Morrison’s virtuosic first novel asks powerful questions about race, class, and gender with the subtlety and grace that have always characterized her writing.

This was the very first book I read of Toni Morrison’s and I read it back in 2019.

When the next host for my local book club picked this as our read, I was more than happy to read it again.

While it is NOT an easy read by ANY means, I never EVER regret spending time taking in the works of the epic Toni Morrison.

I went back and reread my review from that first time thru it, and I have to say….I feel the EXACT SAME way.

So I’m just going to that entry here…follow the link to hear my thoughts on this one.

(Kinda of a weird way of doing a review, but there ya go lol)

I know this won’t be an easy discussion to partake it when our club meets, but I know it will definitely be a necessary one.