Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson

(Format used for this read: Print–hardback)

Two girls. One night. Zero phones.

Kat and Stevie – best friends, theater kids, polar opposites – have snuck away from the suburbs to spend a night in New York City. They have it all planned out. They’ll see a play, eat at the city’s hottest restaurant, and have the best. Night. Ever. What could go wrong?

Well. Kind of a lot?

They’re barely off the train before they’re dealing with destroyed phones, family drama, and unexpected Pomeranians. Over the next few hours, they’ll have to grapple with old flames, terrible theater, and unhelpful cab drivers. But there are also cute boys to kiss, parties to crash, dry cleaning to deliver (don’t ask), and the world’s best museum to explore.

Over the course of a wild night in the city that never sleeps, both Kat and Stevie will get a wake-up call about their friendship and their choices…and finally discover what they really want for their future.

This has been the absolute best book to leisurely page my way thru every night for the past few weeks.

Even though I am NOT a night person, I have the HARDEST time decompressing when I get home late after rehearsals, even when I am DOG TIRED.

Performers out there….yall know EXACTLY what I mean.

Energy is legit buzzing in your brain plus you’re thinking of all your music and choreo and blocking and lines….and it is SO HARD to turn that switch to “off” even when you are physically SPENT.

Having a fun little YA novel such as this to spend a few minutes with each night was the perfect kind of entertainment.

Nothing too serious…nothing too heavy….just light hearted, teen sitcom-esque fun.

Plus the main characters are theater kids, so that was a cute little personal connection as well 🤣

This story completely reminded me of so many teen movies all mixed together (Adventures in Babysitting and Ferris Bueller to name a couple)….so many shenanigans and outlandish situations….plus I always love me a story with New York as the setting too.

SO many adventures to be had in there…who knows what a night in NY will bring???

The funniest premise to me at first as a middle aged lady reading this book was how lost these two girls were without their phones….I mean, I managed to get into PLENTY of teenage mischief in the 90s with zero capabilities of calling anyone or looking up directions….I thought “I survived…it’s not that hard to function!”


I realized if it was me as a grown ass adult who lost their phone in NY I would have ZERO IDEA how to do ANYTHING. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

So I sheepishly got over myself.

This is just a fun, cute and even heartwarming story about friendship and relationships that has all kinds of random events that turn into adventures and life changing moments (OMG I loved the side story of their supporting character friend, Teri!)

Doesn’t take too much brain power, doesn’t cause too many deep thoughts, and everything wraps up at the end.

This would totes be a precious little Netflix movie.

I don’t always like “lighter” books like this, but every now and then I kinda *need* one.

Loved it. Passing it on to my youngest…perfect for a theater kid who dreams of NY.