How High We Go In The Dark

How High We Go In The Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu (Format used for this book: Audiobook) In 2030, a grieving archeologist arrives in the Arctic Circle to continue the work of his recently deceased daughter at the Batagaika Crater, where researchers are studying long-buried secrets now revealed in melting permafrost, including the perfectly preserved remains of a girl who appears to have died of…


Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi (Format used for this book: Audio) Up until few years ago, my bookshelf was pretty racially and culturally homogenous when it came to authors. Meaning… Almost *ALL* the authors I read were WHITE….and either American or British. That was about it. This was not intentional….I seemed to just gravitate to what…

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins (Format used for this read: Print—hardback) I was a HUGE Hunger Games fan, yall. Which really kinda surprised me. Even though yall know I am TOTES into YA books…ESPECIALLY ones that are series…I am NOT into lots of violence…ESPECIALLY when there are kids involved (that goes…