Secrets of Cavendon by Barbara Taylor Bradford

(Format used for this read: Print–hardback)

It’s the summer of 1949, and things have run smoothly at Cavendon Hall for years, with very few quarrels, dramas, or upsets between the two families. But since the end of World War II, changes have arrived at Cavendon. A new generation is at the helm and also at the forefront of new scandal and intrigue. With romance, betrayal, heartbreak, and possible murder threatening to tear them apart, the Inghams and Swanns will have to find a way to come together and protect each other in the face of threats they never could have predicted.

I finally finished this series, yall….just in time for SUMMER!

Today is our first official day of summer break.


I drove to the beach this morning while my house was still sleeping (I live less than 20 minutes away from the Atlantic Ocean and being able to put my toes in the sand on a weekly basis is an ABSOLUTE DREAM FULFILLED)

I brought my book and my coffee and finished these last few chapters.

Completely LOVELY way to start the next couple of months, I must say.

This is the fourth and final book in the Cavendon Hall series.

And I feel the way about this book the same way I did about the third.

Like I mentioned in the third book’s review: the first book I loved…. the second book was just okay….. the third book was somewhere in the middle…and I think this fourth book is samesies as Book 3.

This one had a bit more intrigue….a bit more romance….a bit more naughtiness….a bit more drama…a bit more revelations.

Hence the title 😆

But the overall essence was still the same as all the others.

Being with the Inghams and Swanns is always pleasantly intriguing…and yall KNOW what I’m about to say next…


I apologize yall, but I just can NOT shake that description for all FOUR of the books.

I can’t help it.

It’s probably because I loved that show SO VERY MUCH and ANYTHING that involves British aristocratic families will make me think of the Crawleys I hold so dear.

(And in case you are wondering, NO I have NOT seen the new movie yet!!! 😥 Totally unacceptable…I *must* make that happen VERY SOON)

Book 4 has all the BBC Masterpiece theatre vibes yet again and surprise, surprise….

I remain here for it.

Is this series a literary masterpiece? Not in the least.

Do I have tons of thoughts and feelings to share with you about it? Nope.

Are any of these 4 books going to make your brain spin? No way.

Should this series be placed on any top “Must Read” list for any reason? Not in my opinion.

But look…

Will this series entertain you if you enjoy historical fiction about British aristocracy? For sure.

Is it a good, fun, and interesting leisurely summer indulgence? Abso-friggin-lutely.

I still think all of these books are FANTASTIC pool side, beach blanket, or airport reads.

If that’s what you’re looking for as you begin your summer, go check them out from your local library or used book store.