Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love And So Much More by Janet Mock

(Format used for this read: Janet Mock)

With unflinching honesty and moving prose, Janet Mock relays her experiences of growing up young, multiracial, poor, and trans in America, offering listeners accessible language while imparting vital insight about the unique challenges and vulnerabilities of a marginalized and misunderstood population.

Though undoubtedly an account of one woman’s quest for self at all costs, Redefining Realness is a powerful vision of possibility and self-realization, pushing us all toward greater acceptance of one another – and of ourselves – showing as never before how to be unapologetic and real

My friend Ryan recommended this book to me about a bagillion years ago….I am sorry I am JUST now reading it, my friend!

Still love and adore you and trust your opinions and recommendations whole heartedly…I just have a TBR list eleventy million miles long and sometimes things just get kinda lost in the mix.

So glad I *finally* got my slow ass around to reading this.

This book was a READ, yall.


Powerful and emotional and INTENSE.

Janet Mock had to go thru MANY extremely difficult times in her life…but the way she is able to speak about them all so openly and honestly is quite astounding, impressive and courageous.

In these pages, you will read Janet Mock’s unique experience of coming into womanhood as a Black/Hawaiian trans woman.

Ms. Mock tells her personal life story and experiences…but she also educates on many topics including gender, identity, sexuality, racism, classism,poverty, culture and history.

Throughout her sharing her heart, thoughts, feelings and journey, she takes time to increase awareness and educate….and I am beyond grateful for the learning I obtained thru her words.

The only way we can truly build empathy and understanding for others is to LISTEN and HEAR their stories.

Warning: if reading accounts of abuse are a big trigger for you, this may not be the read for you.

There are some VERY dark moments she very bravely shares about…there are descriptions of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sex work.

I usually have an extremely difficult time reading/hearing descriptions of abuse (especially when it comes to children)…but I completely understand why survivors need to speak their truth…. how it not only can aid in their path to healing, but can let others know they are not alone.

In the book, she explains that she struggled about whether or not to share those pieces of her story…she didn’t want anyone “blaming” her gender identity and sexuality on her molestation.

Ms. Mock says she identified as a woman a long time before it happened….she felt isolated and “different” and very alone as a child because she did not have words for what she felt and was experiencing internally…which made she says made her vulnerable and an easy target for her abuser.

This broke my heart in so so so so many pieces….this is beyond tragic and horrible for so so so so many reasons. That a child felt so alone and was hurt so severely…..πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

But this book is not just about pain and struggle…it is also about joy and success and love.

So so so many wonderful moments and experiences she shares.

The way Janet Mock writes is tremendously beautiful….she truly has a special gift with words.

She is an inspiration to all on how to live your truth authentically and how to continuously heal and evolve.

β€œThere’s nothing more powerful than truly being and loving yourself.”

I saw a fellow reviewer call this book “Deeply moving. Highly revealing.”

And I have to agree 10000 percent.

Thank you Janet Mock for so vulnerably and bravely sharing your heart, your soul and your story.