Poor Things by Alasdair Gray

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

A life without freedom to choose is not worth having.

Godwin Baxter’s scientific ambition to create the perfect companion is realized when he finds the drowned body of the beautiful Bella, who he brings back to life in a Frankenstein-esque feat. But his dream is thwarted by Dr. Archibald McCandless’s jealous love for his creation…

But what does Bella think?

This story of true love and scientific daring whirls the listeners from the private operating-theatres of late-Victorian Glasgow through aristocratic casinos, low-life Alexandria and a Parisian bordello, reaching an interrupted climax in a Scottish church.

When this book was made into a movie not too long ago, I was very intrigued by the previews I saw.

It looked odd, colorful, strange…and I had no idea what it was about. 🤣

But it looked unusual and quirky and I absolutely adore Emma Stone…..

So obviously I desperately wanted to see it!

But alas, I never did make it to the theater to do so.

Holiday season chaos…..Whomp. Whomp. Whommmppp.

My sister though DID see it over the holidays and said to me “it was WEIRD. Good, I guess….but WEIRD.”

(Also she told me there was lots of sex in it…which provided some awkward moments since she viewed it alongside her mother in law 🤣)

I had no idea it was based off a book until a couple weeks ago so I was pumped to check out this audiobook from my library app.

The movie is now available for streaming so yall know my rule I have….books ALWAYS must be read before the movie version is watched!!!

I had ZERO CLUE what this story was even about until I started listening…and to be honest, I’m glad I didn’t because it made the whole journey just THAT much more fun.

My sister did not lie….this book was INDEED very weird…..but I do enjoy most types of weird ,as long as they don’t gross me out 🤣

And I did enjoy this weird book. (and only a slight bit of grossing out occured lol)

It’s hard to categorize this one because I feel like the genre changes as the story progresses….I don’t want to say too much to yall because it could take away from some of the intrigue.

There is a touch of sci fi, a touch of fantasy, a touch of coming of age, a touch of dark comedy, a touch of social commentary…..lots of layers to this one, which I will always appreciate and admire.

This story is definitely a satirization (is that a word? I dont think it is but I like it so we are just gonna go with it lol) of the Victorian novel, ESPECIALLY in regards to how women were viewed during that time period.

I absolutely LOVE what the author does in regards to making statements on gender roles and expectations….the way Bella speaks so plainly about her thoughts, abilities, sexuality and societal expectations is GREAT.

And I also love that there are male characters who somewhat share her thoughts and views as well.

(I say “somewhat” because even though they may agree with her on some topics, their toxic masculinity stands in the way of others)

I have zero idea if the movie version of this story includes all the pieces and parts of this book, but I am SO intrigued to see how all these chapters are fleshed out visually.

I’m sure there is plenty left out…and I can imagine exactly which parts have been elaborated on and embellished …but I seriously can’t wait to see what has been done cinematically.

The ending of this book was quite a bit of a surprise and it isn’t just a solitary one….

Nothing is exactly how it seemed….or was it?

You think one way the entire way thru and then the last bit of it changes how you saw EVERY SINGLE THING the whole time…..and when you are thru, you are still like “Wait….huh?”

Sometimes when that happens it annoys the HELL out of me…I feel like there is no closure or no resolution.

But other times I really LIKE when stories end that way….because it makes your brain think and process over everything you read for a long time after you close the last chapter.

This was one of those times….I was marinating on my thoughts for AWHILE after I finished.

Even now, I’m thinking of all I read and processing what it all symbolizes and means.

Yes there is plenty of sex….but I don’t feel like it was over the top or unnecessary.

I can’t really tell you a category for this book–so many possibilities!– but what I can tell you is that it is a very different, very off the beaten path, and also very enjoyable.

Highly recommend!

I seriously can not wait to compare the movie version….I’ll give yall an update when I watch!