Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

I read this book for the first time 3 years ago and absolutely LOVED IT.

When someone in my book club picked this as our monthly read this month, I was kinda JAZZED to dig into it again, remembering how weird and wonderful it was.

It is quite rare that I reread a book…there’s just SO MANY out there in the world!….but I am a team player for book club and wanted to have fresh thoughts to share in the discussion.

My fingers were crossed that I would feel the same feels while reading this the second time around.

And yall…I totally did!

When I sat down to type this review, I went back to reread my first review of it…..and I legit have the same EXACT thoughts.

So I’m going to repost THAT review for yall to read if you missed the OG one….because it still checks.

And my words and feelings are legit the same!

Might be strange, but hey…that fits lol

Here yall go:

So what do YOU think?