It’s Not All Downhill From Here by Terry McMillan

(Format used for this read: Print–Hardback)

My last day of isolation from COVID and I finished this book this morning.

I’ve been shut away in my bedroom since I tested positive Tuesday evening.

I *finally* get to come out and be amongst my household tomorrow (even if I will be masked for a few more days).

So far, the other people in my house still are well and all tested negative today. 🎉

I am beginning to feel a bit better–still have some pesky nasal congestion, fatigue and I lost my sense of smell and taste yesterday, which COMPLETELY SUCKS. 😥

But I keep telling myself it could be SO SO SO MUCH WORSE.

I’m thankful for the science of vaccines because without those doing their job in my body, I would be A LOT more unwell.


Let’s get to the book review.

I have read a few of this author’s books years ago—“Waiting to Exhale”, “Getting To Happy” and “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”—so I was super excited to see this one for sale at our local library.

They have this Friends Of The Library shelf where they sell books they are taking out of circulation for some reason and they are SUCH A GREAT DEAL, yall. Only 1 or 2 bucks for hardcovers! (with the plastic library cover on them which makes them even MORE fun to me for some reason LOL)

And yall know me with used books of any kind…I have ZERO willpower to pass them up!

Here is the official summary:

“Loretha Curry’s life is full. A little crowded sometimes, but full indeed. On the eve of her 68th birthday, she has a booming beauty-supply empire, a gaggle of lifelong friends, and a husband whose moves still surprise. True, she’s carrying a few more pounds than she should be, but Loretha is not one of those women who think her best days are behind her – and she’s determined to prove wrong her mother, her twin sister, and everyone else with that outdated view of aging wrong. It’s not all downhill from here.

But when an unexpected loss turns her world upside-down, Loretha will have to summon all her strength, resourcefulness, and determination to keep on thriving, pursue joy, heal old wounds, and chart new paths. With a little help from her friends, of course.”

What I love about Ms. McMillan’s books is that there are always strong female friendships that are the foundations of the stories—girlfriends who have gone THRU IT together and love each other like family.

Girlfriends have ALWAYS been a huge and important part of my life. So many times they have been there for me in ways even my blood family members have not–they have held me and lifted me up and called me out—we have shed tears and yelled cheers and at times thrown beers—and I literally can NOT imagine living my life without having them. They are my literal nectar of life. (I just wish they weren’t all spread around the globe in places far and wide so I could see them all more often )

I think the author has similar feelings about girlfriends in her own life, because all of her books I have read echo these sentiments exactly.

She explores lots of difficult things in her books too–death, abuse, addiction, financial struggles–but the female friendship factor is ALWAYS ALWAYS steadfast and true.

This book is no different.

What’s different in THIS story though is that it is a different generation of women friends.

This time the friend group are in the 65 and older club, and she examines all the complexities and discoveries that come in this season of life.

There are SO many serious and complicated themes in these pages—losing loved ones, familial problems, scary medical issues–but there is also so much humor and lightness and fun too…just like real life….so it doesn’t feel “heavy” the whole time.

I don’t want to say this is a “light” book because it most definitely is NOT. There is plenty of hard hitting pain and grown ass problems the characters go thru and experience.

But I do think it is an easy flowing, smooth read.

There is lots of dialogue, which I always greatly enjoy. You get such a “feel” for the characters and their relationships with each other as you listen to them talk. Loretha and her friends love to laugh with each other and harp on each other, even during difficult times.

I just adored the main character of Loretha. She is blunt and direct and takes no shit from people….BUT underneath all that lies the biggest heart. She may come across tough, but she is also extremely kind and loving and will do ANYTHING for those she loves without blinking an eye.

I just hope when I am a sassy senior citizen, I have someone like her and all her friends surrounding me and enjoying life together..whatever comes our way.

This book was an enjoyable and heartwarming read…it was just a lovely distraction from my current reality.

(I totally think they should make a film version of this too! I’d be the first in line for a ticket.)