Hollywood Endings by Liza Malloy

(Format used for this read: Print–paperback)

This book is NOT one I would generally pick to read on my own.


I was invited to join a group of ladies to read this book and discuss together PLUS do a Q&A with the author by Zoom!

Unfortunately, I realized the other day that the night we are all supposed to meet next month just so happens to also be the same night my husband bought tickets for us to go see a musical.

My social life is typically like NONEXISTENT right now, yall….seriously….usually our evenings are spent running kids to sports/activities or just at home (which drives me BONKERS because I LOOOOOOOVE being outta the house doing things!!!)….so it is just COMPLETELY Murphy’s law that when I FINALLY have two super fun things on the calendar to actually DO they are on the exact same day at the exact same time. 😑



I agree.


But also….

I honestly am bummed I won’t get to chat about this read with others because even though I am generally NOT drawn to books like this, I was a BAGILLION percent INTO this book…completely intrigued me page after page!

Here is the official summary:

“When Courtney Robbins moves to California, she isn’t looking for love, fame, or fortune. She’s focused on earning her law degree and advocating for victims of domestic violence.

After a chance encounter with actor Justin Erikson, Courtney decides to spice up her life with a steamy fling. The chemistry between them is undeniable, but Courtney quickly learns there is more to Justin than his perfectly chiseled body, piercing blue eyes and adorable dimples. He’s sensitive, thoughtful, and generous.

Still, Courtney is hesitant to ponder a future with a Hollywood heartthrob. As Courtney graduates law school and begins her dream job, Justin’s career thrives. But as the passion between Justin and Courtney intensifies, Justin struggles to shelter Courtney from the paparazzi and is haunted by his own reputation as a womanizer.

Just when Courtney starts to think that she can have it all—an idyllic romance and the perfect job—a tabloid rumor threatens both Courtney and Justin’s careers. As their two worlds continue to clash, they must decide what price they are willing to pay to stay together.”

This is not a cerebral, deep thinking book by ANY MEANS.

And it’s not supposed to be…it’s a romance novel….and I had fun reading it even just the first few pages in.

DEFINITELY steamier than the last read of mine….and the sex scenes began QUITE early and happened QUITE often 🔥

I mean….I wasn’t mad about it though 🤣

While they WERE all over the place, the just seemed to fall into place where they needed to be.

But yall….there are LOOOOTS of them. Like AT LEAST one every chapter….sooooo….yeah. This is THAT kinda book.

Generally, these are NOT my literary jam.

Here are my two main issues I have when reading steamy sex scenes in novels or even seeing them on screen in movies or TV shows:

  1. Can we PLEASSSEEEE have a little more REALISM in sex scenes? I mean, I get it….it’s FANTASY. It’s SUPPOSED to be made up and fiction. It’s not supposed to be anything like real life–that is the WHOLE POINT– and it’s supposed to be imaginative and fun. BUT…..can we PLEASE try harder all you writers of all the things out there to STOP IT with things like simultaneous orgasms from standard penis in vagina intercourse? (FYI: In real life, 75% of women NEVER reach orgasm from intercourse alone…THAT IS MOST OF US BTW) Oh and also the INSTANTANEOUS being “ready” for that intercourse? That is just NOT how women’s bodies work. GOOD AND EXTENSIVE FOREPLAY IS NECESSARY AND REQUIRED. Not making room for truths like this– even in fictional work–furthers a narrative that is soooo harmful to how women’s bodies are seen and appreciated (by others and by ourselves)

***I will say this book did not buy into those two things as much as others I have read….there are quite a few scenes that ensures both of those myths are quite literally laid to bed🤣 ….but to be honest, there are enough times that it did to annoy me a bit.

2. It would be nice to read some steamy scenes that aren’t always with twenty something bodies. How about some love for middle aged peeps? Or those considered “seniors”? I mean, THAT is when true body confidence and comfort really comes into most people’s lives anyway…hardly ANYONE appreciates or enjoys their younger body as much as they should when they are in it. We need to see more books/movies/etc with sexy, desirous OLDER people so we don’t keep on furthering the whole “younger is more beautiful/sexy/better” ageism BS. (You know…the Outlander series does a pretty good job of doing this very thing now that I think about it….) And let’s not forget the whole “perfect” body types either…. we need representations of ALLLLLLLLL body types because ALL BODIES ARE SEXY, not just ones that fall within super narrow and racist prototypes and measurements.

Okay…so those are just two of my little pet peeves with the typical romance novel thing… I have lots more but I don’t need to get on my soapbox today and address every single one of them…maybe next time LOL

Even with those little annoyances, I STILL friggin’ had a blast with this book.

It is a completely outlandish, unbelievable story…regular law student hooks up with a famous model/actor she meets on a dare in a nightclub…but yet at the same time, you buy RIGHT INTO IT ALL….and it all feels so BELIEVABLE.

(Fun fact: I kept picturing Kevin from “This Is Us” as the main character in my head for some reason. 🤣)

And ooooooo yallllllll……

She ends the book with a FABULOUS and DELICIOUS cliffhanger that makes you completely AMPED UP to jump right into the next book in the series.

I LOVE me a good ending like that!

If you’re looking for a fun, steamy, soap opera-esque yet also super interesting read, this book is for YOU. I could definitely envision this book being a great vacay read, no matter the season.

(The picture I have on this review is me in my leopard jammies, curled up on my couch, coffee in hand getting some reading time in at 6:30am on a Saturday before anyone else in my house is awake….isn’t that THE ABSOLUTE BEST READING TIME EVER??? Ahhhhh…I love it so.)