Fledgling by Octavia Butler

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

This is the story of an apparently young, amnesiac girl whose alarmingly unhuman needs and abilities lead her to a startling conclusion: She is in fact a genetically modified, 53 year old vampire. Forced to discover what she can about her stolen former life, she must at the same time learn who wanted–and still wants–to destroy her and those she cares for and how she can save herself.

Well THAT is a super short and to the point summary, isn’t it? 😆

I have been meaning to read Octavia Butler’s works for what seems like forever….and since it is the tail end of spooky season, I wanted one more “creepy-ish” book.

When this one popped up on my recommended list on the Scribd app, it seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

I saw it described as sci fi and fantasy mixed with a touch of horror…which to me felt like just the kick ass combo I needed.


Now that I am finished with it, I have NO CLUE if I should have just picked up something else ENTIRELY.

I am left feeling SO FRIGGIN’ WEIRD.

First of all, the narrator’s voice was NOT for me. She wasn’t horrible or boring to listen to, but her tone did not feel RIGHT for the main character. It did not feel strong enough. It felt TIMID, which is NOT what Shori is about AT ALL, my friends.

And OMG….I was UNCOMFORTABLE AF almost the ENTIRE time I was listening to this…and NOT in a good way.

There is a pedophilia-esque veil hanging over the WHOLE ENTIRE CHARACTER of Shori and I just COULD NOT handle it.

She has only been alive for 53 years, which in vampire years is considered “young”….and in human years, it is not.

But here is the thing…..she is in a human body of what appears to be a 10/11 year old CHILD.

On the inside of herself and in the world, Shori operates as her “real” age even though her outside does not match….and this INCLUDES sexual interactions with adult humans, yall.

There are several described in the book and I was grossed out by them ALLLLLLLLLLL.

Because even though her partners–even the human ones— KNOW she is not a “real” child, she still HAS THE FUCKING BODY OF A CHILD ANYWAY!

UGGHHH…I could NOT get past this!

I get WHY the author wrote her as she did BUT I truly wish she would have put her in a body just a FEW years older so she would be a legal, consenting adult with LEGAL, FULLY FORMED ADULT PARTS.

Then the creep factor would not have been an issue AT ALL nor would it have taken anything away from the story in my opinion.

I am drawn to vampire stories frequently and all the folklore surrounding them….I enjoyed how the author included some of the elements we are all familiar with ( like daylight aversions and needing blood for survival) and also disproves some of them as well (such as crucifixes and not having reflections)

The whole “sensual” side of vampire-ness that LOTS of us enjoy is ALSO included….when vampires drink blood from their humans, it actually feels very physically pleasurable for them.

BUTTTTTT….. it just felt all kinds of WRONG to me because I kept picturing these GROWN ASS PEOPLE getting off on a PREPUBESCENT GIRL licking blood off their necks!!!!!!



And again….NOT NEEDED.

The story TOTALLY could have still happened in the SAME DAMN WAYS if Shori’s human appearance was NOT A LITTLE GIRL.

The writing itself was PHENOMENAL. Fantastic plot progression and character development with commentary and metaphors on racism, religion, gender, sexuality and genetic modifications.

If it weren’t for the whole child embodiment nonsense, I would have been ALL ABOUT this book.

But damn. It was a HUUUUGGGEEE hinderance for me.

I will read more of Octavia Butler’s books because I am intrigued by her writing style…but this one I am NOT a fan of….it left a bad, lingering aftertaste. 🤢