Fitness for Everyone by Louise Green

(Format used for this read: Print–paperback)

Okay so I know this isn’t EXACTLY a “read” per se, but it IS a book I just finished diving into so I def wanted to share!

This is another FANTASTIC, inclusive book I use as a resource as a fitness professional.

I LOVE that this book not only has step by step directions of how to do many exercises in many ways, but it ALSO spotlights every real life model in the book!

So much great representation here that is SO VERY NEEDED with so many body types, abilities, ages and backgrounds.

I feel very strongly about providing movement options for every single student in my fitness classes and every single one on one training client I have the privilege of working with.

There are SO MANY TYPES of movements just as there are SO MANY TYPES of bodies.

For plenty of years, the fitness world has been EXTREMELY narrow focused on one fitness “ideal”.

What that has done is it has left out MANY, MANY people.

Which is awful and sad and just plain UNNECESSARY.

I am so grateful for professionals such as this author Louise Green as well as others such as Meg Boggs, Chrissy King, Jessmyn Ward and SO many others who are out there educating us all on how to KNOW better so we can DO better.

I really want to have as many of these types of resources on hand so I can have them at the ready for whatever bodily needs I come across in every lovely human I am blessed to work with.

Heres a few examples of the pages in this book:

Great book for EVERYONE to have…no matter your fitness level, body type or abilities.