Favored by Stephanie Higgins

(Format used for this book—print- paperback–gifted to me by THE AUTHOR 😊)

Okay so THIS book has been a much awaited read for me since the author is a friend/military spouse/Body&Soul sister, Stephanie Higgins!

Here is a summary:

“In the Kingdom of Talero, a young prince sets out on a dangerous journey to discover his destiny and the power he needs to rule his kingdom. In Devlin, a brother and sister escape a maniacal tyrant who is determined to stamp out all magic from the land. They must flee in search of help for their people. With the two kingdoms on the brink of war, and magic becoming scarce, the prince and his companions must stand together. It will take all of their courage and abilities to save their people.”

The YA genre is one of my personal faves, y’all.

And this one did NOT disappoint!

To be 100 percent honest… even though I ❤️ and adore my friend Stephanie I was a teensy bit scared to read her book because….

What IF I didn’t like it?!?

I mean, I figured I WOULD because she is super awesome and talented and fabulous …


What if by some slim weird chance I just did not like her work as an author? 😬😬😬

Y’all know I’m always honest and if I didn’t like it … I would TOTALLY admit I did not like it.

And that is just not something I wanna have to do.

Good news though…

My figuring was correct and this book was soooo good!

Fallen kingdoms.

Ooooo there is so much of the stuff I love in fiction!

Especially YA fiction.

Best part?

This is the first in a SERIES y’all.

Which is also something I love.

Also she keeps it super appropriate for the preteen/teens she is marketing to…no foul language or inappropriate sexual innuendos or situations.

Just a good, fun, imaginative story.

WELL DONE friend!

Can’t wait to read the second one!

**To see what I thought about the second book, “Foretold”, click here: https://brainglitterwithdani.com/foretold/