Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

(Format used for this read: Print–paperback)

This is the second book in the Outlander series.

I feel like it took me a hundred forevers to finish this one.

I did NOT speed thru this like I do with most books.

It legit took me WEEKS to get thru the entire 963 pages.




And alllll the books in this series are equally as long. It may take me YEARS to make it thru this series in it’s entirety.

I am committed to do it though…because I have officially decided that I am hooked into this story now for REALS.

Yall may remember that I was SUPER conflicted when I read the first book.. There were some parts I almost couldn’t read and totally HATED…and then the rest I absolutely LOVED and was completely drawn in.

(If you haven’t read my thoughts on the first book, you can do so here:

https://brainglitterwithdani.com/outlander/ )

While there were a few things I wasn’t crazy about—which I will get into in a sec—the story drew me in even more so this book than it did with the first.

Here is what this one is about:

“For twenty years, Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to the mysteries of Scotlandโ€™s mist-shrouded Highlands. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as shocking as the events that gave it birth: the secret of an ancient circle of standing stones, the secret of a love that transcends centuries, and the truth of a man named Jamie Fraserโ€”a Highland warrior whose gallantry once drew the young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his.
Claireโ€™s spellbinding journey continues through the intrigue-ridden French court and the menace of Jacobite plots, to the Highlands of Scotland, through war and death in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves.”

When the book begins, I was like WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING?!?

I don’t want to say too much because yall know how I feel about spoiling literary journeys…but it took me awhile to figure out that time jumped forward (literally) quite a bit since the end of the first book.

But I got my shit together pretty quickly, figured out the deal and got on board with it all.

I want to start off and tell yall the things I did NOT like about this book:

-While I understand the importance of acknowledging the wholeness of someone’s story with trauma and healing, it was REALLY hard to revisit the memories of Jamie’s torture by Jack Randall. Sexual violence is a trigger for me…and his story is revisted quite a few times in these pages. It was tough for me again to read about it.

-There are two other incidents with other characters and sexual violence that also was hard for me to read about. One of which was EXTREMELY heartbreaking and painful to hear. It was not extended into too many pages but it sickened me all the same even for the few pages it was there.

-This book really dives into Scottish history in regards to political history of the time and the Jacobite uprising…and truth be told, it kinda bored me. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Even with all the spying, scheming and political drama, I felt I was literally DRAGGGING thru some parts. If I was reading in bed, I would ALWAYS start falling asleep during these parts…..ALWAYS. This could be one of the reasons it took me so long to get thru this book.๐Ÿ˜„ I know all of it is important to the storyline AND to real life history…but it just wasn’t that interesting for me to read about.

Now for the things I DID like:

-The evolution of Claire and Jamie’s relationship is solid. I like them together…they just fit, you know? (even though I *still* have problems with that whole belt mess from the first book and I most likely always will…but somehow I’m moving on from it…I have no clue how I am able to do that but somehow I am. I’m sure that is problematic AF…)

While there is still the romance and steaminess of the first book, in this one they are bound to each other in an even deeper way. Claire is helping him and supporting him as he deals with continued physical and emotional effects of his trauma, and he in turn helps and supports her as she deals with complex emotions and situations as well.

-I really have enjoyed learning so much about Scottish heritage,history and culture (minus what I mentioned above ๐Ÿคฃ) The author did her research big time for these books and you can definitely tell. Plus, her descriptions of the geographical landscape are stellar. I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland and every time I read a book or a see a show/movie that depicts it, it makes we want to go even MORE. And ironically enough, while I was in the middle of reading this book, I got updated AncestryDNA results. Check THIS out:

I guess it’s just in my ancestral genes to be drawn to Scotland! These books have intrigued me to try and trace back far on my family tree to see who I can find….could be quite interesting….

-The richness of the characters and all their layers is just beyond good. To me, that is one of the trademark signs of a phenomenal fiction author. Sometimes authors do a fantastic job with their main characters, but then the supporting ones kinda fall to the wayside. Even though there are a BAGILLION characters in these pages, Ms Gabaldon finds a way to use literary care and skill with each and every one. You feel and see and hear them ALL.

-The mysterious magic. The healing with nature vibes. Witchcraft. Time travel. ALL OF THESE THINGS. Love them so very much.

So…I’m now officially IN with these books. In fact, as soon as I’m done typing this, I’m headed to grab the 3rd one off my shelf and continue the saga.

I did watch the very first episode of the series after I double checked with a friend that it follows along with the books pretty chronologically. I loved seeing the characters come to life on screen and most of them were how I envisioned them in my head for the most part.


When I saw Frank/Jack Randall, all I could think was “It’s Prince Phillip!” ๐Ÿ˜† Hopefully, that connection will transition for me as the show progresses. (and I do plan to skip the episodes completely with the prison rape scene…I can NOT handle that.)

I had quite a few friends reach out to me after reading my first review telling me “Hang in there! I promise it’s worth it! I know you will 100 percent like it if you just STICK IT OUT!”

I’m so glad I listened. ๐Ÿ˜„

Those same friends also gave me trigger warnings for all the books, which I GREATLY appreciate. Mad props AGAIN to my bookworm buddy Jessica who gave me specific chapters and details to be aware of.

I love having reader friends who are so kind…they are THE BESSSSST.๐Ÿ“š