Divine Direction by Craig Groeschel

(Format for this read: Print–hardback)

Every session of Body & Soul we have a recommended reading list from our ministry president and also our spiritual director.

This was one for winter session I just got around to reading…because I forgot 😬

Here is a summary:

“Master the decisions that will make your life everything God wants it to be.

Every day we make choices. And those choices accumulate and eventually become our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices?

In this inspiring guidebook, New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel shows how the choices that are in your power, if aligned with biblical principles, will lead to a life you’ve never imagined.

Divine Direction will help you seek wisdom through seven principles. You’ll consider one thing to stop that’s hindering you; how to start a new habit to re-direct your path; where you should stay committed; and when you should go even if it’s easier to stay. The book also includes criteria that will help you feel confident in the right choice, and encourages you with principles for trusting God with your decisions.

What story do you want to tell about yourself? God is dedicated to the wonderful plan he’s laid out for you. The achievable and powerful steps in Divine Direction take you there one step at a time, big, or small.”

I took a bunch of notes while reading this book.

For awhile now I have felt a bit “lost” on my faith journey….moving, searching for a church home, trying to decide where im supposed use my spiritual gifts and what community I am supposed to be a part of…those are just a few of the reasons.

This book helped so much in getting my focus back on His track!

Here are some snipets from my notes:

-The decisions we make today determine the stories we tell tomorrow

-While events can not be unwritten they can be redeemed

-it’s the things no one sees that result in the things everyone wants

-Direction of action, not good intentions, determines your destination

-The more God wants to use you the more likely you’ll be tempted to quit

-We’re not changed by the promises we make to God, we’re changed by believing the promises God makes to us

-One of the quickest ways to forget about God is to be consumed with self

There are sooo many other things that really hit home with me.

This book was not long at all and I wish I would have read it MONTHS sooner!

I definitely will be utilizing what I learned!