Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel by Val Emmich (with Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, & Justin Paul)

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

This is a unique book.

The creators of the Broadway show by the same name wrote this book together to dig deeper into the complexity of the characters…

and also to allow wider audiences to have access to this story that has touched many young lives.

I read an article about the creation of this book.

The collaborators had no idea the huge impact the show would have on audiences…some of which have been life changing.

Which is why the book happened.

Here is the summary:

“From the show’s creators comes the groundbreaking novel inspired by the hit Broadway show Dear Evan Hansen.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today’s going to be an amazing day and here’s why…

When a letter that was never meant to be seen by anyone draws high school senior Evan Hansen into a family’s grief over the loss of their son, he is given the chance of a lifetime: to belong. He just has to stick to a lie he never meant to tell, that the notoriously troubled Connor Murphy was his secret best friend.

Suddenly, Evan isn’t invisible anymore–even to the girl of his dreams. And Connor Murphy’s parents, with their beautiful home on the other side of town, have taken him in like he was their own, desperate to know more about their enigmatic son from his closest friend. As Evan gets pulled deeper into their swirl of anger, regret, and confusion, he knows that what he’s doing can’t be right, but if he’s helping people, how wrong can it be?

No longer tangled in his once-incapacitating anxiety, this new Evan has a purpose. And a website. He’s confident. He’s a viral phenomenon. Every day is amazing. Until everything is in danger of unraveling and he comes face to face with his greatest obstacle: himself.

A simple lie leads to complicated truths in this big-hearted coming-of-age story of grief, authenticity and the struggle to belong in an age of instant connectivity and profound isolation.”

I have yet to see the show…I have really been wanting to see it for awhile…so I can not compare the two.

But I will say that the book as a stand alone is profound, painfully beautiful, and fiercely important.

This book discusses mental health in a real and vulnerable way…teenagers dealing with anxiety and depression and the achingly real life struggles that come with fighting those battles.

Loneliness. Isolation. Fear.

I get it.

I’ve been there.

And seen and heard from so many that have also been there.

How we create lies to hide behind because we think that is what is expected or because we think people can not handle what is our truth.

This book shares more of Connors story from his perspective, which I know is something the Broadway show did not do…and it is just devastating to listen to.

But again I think so so important.

To listen and understand.

Teens everywhere are going thru THESE EXACT SAME EMOTIONS…

and you know what…


I find it a strange coincidence that I listened to this book the very same month that holds the anniversary of my own dad’s suicide.

Or maybe it’s not.

Listening to this book reminded me that you never ever know the pain someone is experiencing…and they may never feel like they have a safe place to share that pain or get help for that pain.

EVEN WHEN YOU THINK A PERSON IS OKAY…they could be fighting a horrendous battle internally.


In darkness.

Because they feel scared or ashamed or lost.

We must end the stigma.

This book also showed how much we desperately need each other.

In a world where isolation is so easy with social media, technology and crazy pace of life…

we can not shake the basic human desire of CONNECTION.

And also realness.

We have to be able to share our full selves…struggles and darkness and pain…and then support each other thru it.

I could write on and on about all these topics…but this is a book review so I’ll call it quits.

Definitely read this.
See the show.
And always always… listen ❤️

If you ever feel lost and hopeless and don’t know where to turn please call the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hotline anytime day or night.

1 800 273 TALK

Or text “TALK” to 741741