Be The Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison

(Format used for this read: Print–paperback)

This book releases in ONE WEEK y’all and I could not be more excited that I received an advance copy as part of the official book launch team!

I read thru the book with hundreds of other Bridge builders around the world and we got to be privy to live FB videos and conversations with the author herself.


I wanted to post my official review of this book before it is released so you can go ahead and preorder your copy….


Here is the books official summary:

“A leading advocate for racial reconciliation offers a clarion call for Christians to move toward relationship and deeper understanding in the midst of a divisive culture.

With racial tensions as high within the church as outside the church, it is time for Christians to become the leaders in the conversation on racial reconciliation. This power-packed guide helps readers deepen their understanding of historical factors and present realities, equipping them to participate in the ongoing dialogue and to serve as catalysts for righteousness, justice, healing, transformation, and reconciliation.”

And because she is absolutely fantastic here is a little more about the author (not something I usually do in my reviews so enjoy 😃):

“LATASHA MORRISON is a bridge-builder, reconciler, and a compelling voice in the fight for racial justice. Ebony magazine recognized her as one of their 2017 Power 100 for her work as a community crusader. Tasha has spoken across the country at events that include: IF:Gathering, Justice Conference, Youth Specialties, Catalyst, Orange Conference, MOPS International and many others. A native of North Carolina, Tasha earned degrees in human development and business leadership. In 2016 she founded Be the Bridge to inspire and equip ambassadors of racial reconciliation. In addition to equipping more than 1,000 sub-groups across five countries, Be the Bridge hosts a closed, moderated online community of bridge-builders on Facebook with more than 20,000 members.”

In my opinion this is something all Christ followers in the United States MUST read.

Especially in such a time as we are living in.

(And super especially if you are a white Christ follower!)

The wisdom and history she shares about race, our society and the church is immense and profound.

Latasha gives biblical backing to why all of us who have a heart for Jesus should be intentionally educating ourselves, making changes in our lives and thought process and also building bridges to reconcile with others in the area of racial reconciliation and justice.

This book can be and should be life changing in how we view our faith, our fellow man, our national history and our daily actions.

The organization Be The Bridge changed my life and my family’s life a couple years ago…probably one of the top 3 biggest things that has affected us and how we view ourselves, other people, our country, our privilege, history and just basically every thing.

I am so grateful that now there is a book to share with others to introduce them to the same lifelong journey of change, lament, re-education and sanctification that we have been on.

Please read this book.

Go preorder it and get some cool stuff.

Read it.
(If you wanna do that with someone alongside you I’m here for ya! Or find a Be The Bridge group or start one yourself!)

We build too many walls and not enough bridges…
Become a bridge builder.❤️🙏