Bad Summer People by

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

None of them would claim to be a particularly good person. But who among them is actually capable of murder?

Jen Weinstein and Lauren Parker rule the town of Salcombe, Fire Island every summer. They hold sway on the beach and the tennis court, and are adept at manipulating people to get what they want. Their husbands, Sam and Jason, have summered together on the island since childhood, despite lifelong grudges and numerous secrets. Their one single friend, Rachel Woolf, is looking to meet her match, whether he’s the tennis pro―or someone else’s husband. But even with plenty to gossip about, this season starts out as quietly as any other.

Until a body is discovered, face down, off the side of the boardwalk.

Stylish, subversive, and darkly comedic, this is a story of what’s lurking under the surface of picture-perfect lives in a place where everyone has something to hide.

After I finished listening to the audiobook version of Chandler Baker’s book “Cutting Teeth” not too long ago, there was an author’s interview at the end with her and this book’s author, Emma Rosenblum.

They each discussed their latest releases, and Ms Rosenblum’s happened to be this one.

When I heard the summary and the ins and outs of how she developed the story, I was intrigued.

(Interesting note: The narrator for this book was the same one as “Cutting Teeth”, which already gave it a positive vibe from the get go)

This book was quite different from “Cutting Teeth”, but I think had a few similar tones.

Lots of not so hidden commentary on class, marriage, gender and race….but that wasn’t the focus of the story.

This is a basic story about selfish, narcisstic, rich people who make AWFUL personal decisions and constantly talk shit about one another behind each other’s backs.

It’s like a season of Real Housewives….or a daytime soap opera.

You can’t even believe how horrible these peeps are, even the ones you initially think aren’t “that bad”…but also it’s entertaining AF and you can’t look away from it all.

For some reason, we love to know that people who LOOK like they have it all….happy marriage, plenty of money, healthy kids, lots of success…are actually a MESS and completely MISERABLE.

You never know what lies beneath a shiny surface…things are NEVER like they seem.

All these characters in the book thinks everyone ELSE is a bad or messed up person….when in reality, they ALL are equal in this department.

Legit every person is pretty damn awful.

This book wasn’t one I fell head over heels for, but it wasn’t one I kicked to the curb either.

It was good and entertaining read…I’d say perfect for a beach or vacation read.

And would TOTALLY make a great TV series.