Anon Pls. by DeuxMoi

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

When Cricket Lopez, assistant to one of the most notorious celebrity stylists, revamps her old fashion Instagram account and turns it into a source for celebrity gossip on a drunken whim, she never thinks it will become anything. It’s just a way to blow off steam after a terrible, terrible day at work where her nightmarish boss screams at her and blames her for some 18-year-old influencer’s screw-up. But when the account grows overnight and, even wilder, when she starts getting gossip from fans and insiders – juicy gossip – she has to face facts: her Instagram is now famous. She is now famous.

Though no one knows that she is behind the account, its newfound success quickly wreaks havoc on her real life. Her boss wonders why she’s disappearing on the job, her friends are increasingly irritated by her dedication to the account, and she has celebrities, investors, and journalists approaching her nonstop. Plus, there’s a steamy new love interest who she meets through her online persona—except she has no idea if she can truly trust his motives. 

As the account grows and becomes more and more influential, she has to wonder: is it – the fame, the insider access, the escape from real life – really worth losing everything she has?

This was a pop culture, fashion filled guilty pleasure.

Think of Devil Wears Prada mixed with Gossip Girl.

You got your fresh and cute up and coming stylist assistant living in NYC with a scary, domineering, intimidating, demeaning ASSHOLE lady for boss….and then you mix in an anonymous celebrity gossip Insta account.

Which BTW I had ZERO CLUE “DeuxMoi”was a REAL EFFING account IRL, yall!!!

This novel was totes inspired by real life events.


Of course I had NO IDEA about this account because I am a middle aged, irrelevant, out of touch suburban mom 🤣

This book was fluffy, star studded and fabulous fun to read.

There wasn’t anything TOO serious, heavy or realistic for most of the book….with the exception that it DOES address an important message right towards the end.

There are some smidges of naughtiness too with some steamy phone sex scenes in a couple chapters.

For the MOST part this book was just mindless entertainment for me….which I needed more than I realized.

Back in the day when I was in my 20s, this type of book was my JAM and what I read ALL THE TIME.

(For real….how is that TWO DECADES AGO ALREADY?!?!)

Before I got all old and serious 🤣

LOTS of the references in this book though were COMPLETELY missed on me… I said OUT OF TOUCH.

But it was still hella enjoyable for me to indulge in.

No serious thoughts or in depth commentary with this one…definitely upper east side Chick Lit.

This would be a PERFECT beach or vacation read…or if you’re snowed in or having a lazy weekend.

I would put this one in the category of “just for funsies–no major brain activity required”.