Animal: A Novel by Lisa Taddeo

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

Joan has spent a lifetime enduring the cruelties of men. But when one of them commits a shocking act of violence in front of her, she flees New York City in search of Alice, the only person alive who can help her make sense of her past. In the sweltering hills above Los Angeles, Joan unravels the horrific event she witnessed as a child—that has haunted her every waking moment—while forging the power to finally strike back.

Animal is a depiction of female rage at its rawest, and a visceral exploration of the fallout from a male-dominated society.

This book took me to a place deep inside my brain, yall.

While reading this book…and especially AFTER reading this book…I had to just SIT with all the swirling thoughts that just FLEW out from a deep, dark secret place in my brain.

I remember feeling a similar way when I read this author’s nonfiction book “Three Women” back in 2020.

Lisa Taddeo has a distinct way of writing that truly digs into the ugly uncomfortableness of what the patriarchy has done to women’s sexuality and women’s bodies.

These were some of my words in my review of that book, and they apply to this one too, 100 percent:

“I feel like this book really made me jump right on OUTSIDE my own regular thought process.

It had me constantly re-examining why I think the way I do in regards to women and how we discover, grow and damage our sexual identity…

It also had me intimately assessing how many things influence our narrative and experiences in regards to our sexual roles—men, media, religion, biology, other women.”

And to that last sentence I would add the word TRAUMA as well.

This story is a dissection of womanhood, especially in terms of sexuality…and all the inconveinent, difficult, amazing, world shaking truths that come with it.

How we process

How we don’t process

How we experience

How we don’t experience

How we understand

How we don’t understand

How we are robbed, damaged, mistreated, scarred by it all.

And how toxic masculinity and patriarchal societal standards fuck it ALL UP…mostly for us women, but also for the men who participate in, play into and prolong the narrative.

The damage is expansive and encompassing for all sexes….but women, as usual, carry the heavy burden and wear the wounds.

This story is also about how our journey to find healing and wholeness and acceptance and peace within all this shit can only be driven by ourselves… and other women.

The book focuses on the main character of Joan, and all the journeys she has taken in her life as a woman so far.

You dislike her while at the same time relate to her….

you want to shake her out of frustration while at the same time you want to fold her into a hug and comfort her

This was a read that left a lingering taste in my mouth….like what the aftertaste would be after drinking a few glasses of expensive red wine…mixed with a plate of nachos supreme from Taco Bell at 2am.

It’s a strong essence that has a plethora of scents, tastes, aromas and feelings. Good and bad and delicious and disgusting all mixed into one.

You will feel horrible and disappointed and sad and horrified… while at the same time feeling pity and understanding and unity….and you will feel downtrodden and invisible while at the same time feeling seen and validated.

It is a loaded read. And not the easiest to get down at times.

But DAMN it is POWERFUL and so so so well written.

Definitely hooked me.

And for sure recommend.

**Trigger warning: there is sexual assault, child abuse, and violence in this story so please read with caution if these are things that are difficult for you**