An Echo In The Bone by Diana Gabaldon

(Format used for this read: Audiobook)

I have been trying to diligently listen to this book so I could get right to Book 8 in preparation for Book 9 to be released…WHICH HAPPENED THIS VERY WEEK.

I am stressed because I wanted to be all caught up with the series before this new one came out because I do NOT want to hear ANY KIND OF SPOILER WHATSOEVER!!!

I am TERRIFIED I will accidentally hear something or read something about the new book that will completely eff up the previous books for me.

So I was trying my hardest to get all caught up….

But alas…I did not succeed.

The book debut date has arrived and passed and I still have 46 hours of listening to go before I am caught up.


I shall try my best to avoid any blogs or social media posts or podcasts that speak any words about the new book until I am done.

(and yall PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME ANYTHING if you’re reading it right now or you are dead to me FOREVER!!!!)


Book 7.

Here’s what was happening:

“Jamie Fraser, former Jacobite and reluctant rebel, is already certain of three things about the American rebellion: The Americans will win, fighting on the side of victory is no guarantee of survival, and he’d rather die than have to face his illegitimate son—a young lieutenant in the British army—across the barrel of a gun.

Claire Randall knows that the Americans will win, too, but not what the ultimate price may be. That price won’t include Jamie’s life or his happiness, though—not if she has anything to say about it.

Meanwhile, in the relative safety of the twentieth century, Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Brianna, and her husband, Roger MacKenzie, have resettled in a historic Scottish home where, across a chasm of two centuries, the unfolding drama of Brianna’s parents’ story comes to life through Claire’s letters. The fragile pages reveal Claire’s love for battle-scarred Jamie Fraser and their flight from North Carolina to the high seas, where they encounter privateers and ocean battles—as Brianna and Roger search for clues not only to Claire’s fate but to their own. Because the future of the MacKenzie family in the Highlands is mysteriously, irrevocably, and intimately entwined with life and death in war-torn colonial America.”

This book has lots of fiction mixed with real history just as the last few books…that is always a fun little piece of the stories for me. I love reading the character’s interactions with figures we are familiar with from American history.

In this book, we hear more from Jamie’s son William and more from John Grey too as well as hearing from our “regulars”—Jamie, Claire, Bri and Roger.

Lots of crazy shit happens as per usual….lots of romance, sex, intrigue and humor also as per usual.

ALWAYS too much to discuss as per usual because there are LOTS of pages to cover LOL (in case you were wondering these books do NOT get shorter)

PLENTY of surprises and shocks that you do NOT see coming …there is ANOTHER kidnapping situation (yep…ANOTHER ONE AS PER USUAL…WHYYY is there ALWAYS kidnappings in these books???)

Near the end of the book there is a marriage that occurs that had me seriously picking my jaw up off the floor…I was like “WWWHHHHAAAAAATTTT IS HAPPPENNINGGGG?!?”

I’m still enjoying these books, still enjoying the characters…..even though there are still problematic elements.

I’m still pretty amazed at how lost you can get while reading these…..every single one I am so wrapped up in every single storyline and every single character….Ms Gabaldon got some SERIOUSLY TREMENDOUS writing chops, yall.

I can not WAIT to see what she has in store for me next!

This is a short, kinda lame review, I know 🤣

But there is SO MUCH I can’t say because I don’t wanna ruin a THING for anyone!

Love this series.

Can’t wait to press play on Book 8….